University of Lausanne, 14-15 September 2023
CUSO Doctoral Workshop
Literary Logic
University of Lausanne
September 16, 2023
In addition to the conference program, we are delighted to offer a doctoral workshop sponsored by the Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (CUSO) on September 16, 2023. This one-day workshop on “Literary Logic” will be led by Professor Andrea Henderson (University of California, Irvine) and Dr Helen Thaventhiran (University of Cambridge).
Drawing on the expertise of our visiting speakers, the workshop will address a range of historical, epistemological and interdisciplinary questions about literature and logic, considering the kinds of logic at work in literary texts and the aesthetics of argument, particularly in literary criticism. There will be opportunities for doctoral students to present their work in progress and all participants will be invited to reflect upon the argumentative logic(s) they deploy in their own critical writing.
Further information about the workshop is available here.
The workshop is free for CUSO doctoral students who are enrolled at the universities of Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, and Bern, but they must register for the event using the link above.
All other conference participants, whether doctoral students or not, are welcome to attend the workshop. Registration costs 50 CHF (this includes lunch and refreshments), and should be made online, via the registration portal (available from April 16).
Keynote speakers:
Professor Andrea Henderson (University of California, Irvine), author of Romantic Identities: Varieties of Subjectivity, 1774-1830 (Cambridge University Press, 1996), Romanticism and the Painful Pleasures of Modern Life (Cambridge University Press, 2008), and Algebraic Art: Mathematical Formalism and Victorian Culture (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Associate Professor Helen Thaventhiran (University of Cambridge), whose books include Radical Empiricists: meaning and modernist criticism (Oxford University Press, 2015), William Empson’s The Structure of Complex Words and Related Writings, edited with Stefan Collini (Oxford University Press, 2020), and Margins of Philosophy (forthcoming).
Dr Sangam MacDuff
Dr Patrick Jones