University of Lausanne, 14-15 September 2023

Thursday 14 September
Coffee and Registration
Welcoming Remarks
Plenary Session 1 - Andrea K. Henderson, “No Name: Numerical Abstraction and Victorian Character”
Coffee Break
Panel 1a
Logic, Poetry and Poetics
Chair: Rachel Falconer
Johanna Winant, “Dickinson’s Analogies”
Himanshu Kumar, “Sense and Nonsense in Sukumar Ray’s Abol Tabol”
Carla Billitteri, “The Long Controversy: Laura (Riding) Jackson and Analytical Philosophy”
Panel 2a
Logic and Modernism
Chair: David Spurr
Bridget O’Reilly, “A Human Calculus: Bloom's Narrative Conquering in Joyce's Ulysses”
Nell Wasserstrom, “The Logic of Nacthträglichkeit and its Discontents”
Patrick Jones, “On Not Being Made of Literature: Franz Kafka and the Logical Priority of Life”
Coffee Break
Panel 3a
Logic in Beckett and Calvino
Chair: Nell Wasserstrom
Balazs Rapcsak, “‘that flame… that flame… that burns away filthy logic’: The Vicissitudes of Logic in Samuel Beckett”
Alberto Tondello, “The Deviant Logic of the clinamen in Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities”
Panel 1b
Wittgenstein’s Literary Logic
Chair: Sangam MacDuff
Lilli Förster, “Tolstoy and Wittgenstein – a shared approach to Living and Thinking”
David Lindeman, “Tractatus as Poem”
Sabrina Sampaio Martins, “Enjoy the Silence: Reading Wittgenstein with Paul Celan and Anne Carson”
Panel 2b
Fuzzy Logic, Cybernetics and Modernist Aesthetics
Chair: Ties van Gemert
Arya Mohan S, “Fuzzy Logic and Darwin’s Species Concept”
Simon Swift, “I.A. Richards and Cybernetics”
Anna Dijkstra, “Poetics of Non-Contradiction in Modernist Subjectivity”
Panel 3b
Logic and Literary Form
Chair: Patrick Jones
Aurelia Cojocaru, “Mere analogy: T. S. Eliot’s Russellian metaphors and the enduring spectre of modernism and science”
Alexandra Huang-Kokina, “The Performative Logic of Modern Essays: Exploring the Autonomy of the Essay Form in Philosophy and Literature”
David Spurr, “Logic and its Other in the Modernist Architectural Manifesto”
Plenary Session 2 - Robert B. Pippin, “Cinematic Form and Philosophical Commitment: On Robert Bresson's L'Argent”
Readings - Susan Howe and J.M. Coetzee
Friday 14 September
Plenary Session 3 - N. Katherine Hayles, “GPT and the Language of Logic: Does It Make Sense?”
Coffee Break
Panel 4a
(Il)logic in Borges
Chair: Matthew Scully
Pedro Hurtado Ortiz, “Borges’s ‘Funes,’ Or Thinking Beyond Formal Logic”
Simona Bartolotta, “The ‘Illogic’ of Fiction: Speculative Reflections on Abduction, Naturalization, and Signification in Narrative”
Panel 5a
Aspects of Fictional Logic
Chair: Simon Swift
Michael LeMahieu, “Ordinary Logic, Generic Racism”
Eliis Maria Peters, “Logic Undone in Refugee Narratives”
Matthew Scully, “Disfigurations: On Lydia Davis, Logic, and Fiction”
Coffee Break
Panel 6a
Logic and Contemporary Poetry
Chair: Alberto Tondello
Helen Thaventhiran, “‘not a logician’: Welby, Howe and Peirce”
Rupsa Banerjee, “Examining the Use of Logic in the Poetry of Veronica Forrest-Thomson and Rebecca Elson: Converging the Conceptual Horizons of Science and Poetry”
Panel 4b
Speculation, Significs and Entrenchment
Chair: Anna Dijkstra
Gregor Schäfer, “Speculative Logic’s and Literature’s Action in Modern Times of Crisis. Hegelian Aspects”
Ties van Gemert, “The Aesthetics of Misunderstandings: Dutch Significs in between Solipsism and Logic”
Ian MacKenzie, “Entrenchment vs. gavagai, quaddition and grue, or how to respond to sceptical paradoxes and contrary logicians”
Panel 5b
Literature and Artificial Intelligence
Chair: Niall Gallen
Rebecca Roach, “Binarized Disciplines & the Logic of Conversation Theory”
Thomas Knowles, “‘Insane Poems’: The muse and the machine in J. G. Ballard’s ‘Studio 5, the Stars’”
Panel 6b
Technotexts, Automata and the Human
Chair: Rebecca Roach
Dorothy Butchard and Niall Gallen, “How a Picture No Longer Held Us Captive: Playful Logics in Moonstrips Empire News and Twenty-First Century Technotexts”
Diogo Sasdelli, “The Interplay Between the Anthropomorphism of Automata and the Mechanisation of Humanity as Represented in Contemporary Popular Culture”
Megan Quigley, “Is the Human a Vague Category? Reading Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun with AI”
Roundtable on Logic and Literature in the Age of AI – Andrea K. Henderson, Robert B. Pippin, N. Katherine Hayles, Marjorie Perloff
Chair: Sangam MacDuff
Farewell Dinner